BlackBerry Shadow

Mysterious images have been discovered by a member of the CrackBerry forumson Flickr that displays one image that has not announced the BlackBerry deviceand obtained information that the BlackBerry device is Shadow.Shadow is a BlackBerry smartphone from RIM with the new operating system isQNX 1.0. Shadow images of the BlackBerry is known uploaded by Flickr user with the alias name nomnomnom8 on September 18. It also obtained information aboutsome of the key specifications of the BlackBerry Shadow a...


Reinforced Android 2.1, Motorola CITRUS touted as a smartphone accessible tonovice. HP is going to circulate in the U.S. through Verizon Wireless in the fourthquarter of this year. Using capacitive touch screen, the navigation feels good to smoothly interfaceresponse when we flick, sweep, or even pinch the screen. There is also a 7-panelHome screen widgets that can be spiked with our favorite application shortcuts, including sticky notes, weathers, messages, and calendar. Typical touch screen,virtual QWERTY keyboard typing using the...

iPods have the Release Application for Rifle 'Sniper'

The new program named BulletFlight can become an application killer from Apple. An application has been launched for the completeness of the iPod to help snipers(snipper) really zeroing target. This application is named BulletFlight worth £ 6.99 if you want to download fromiTunes, created by Runaway App to complement the iPod into a ballistic computerwhich, according to the company can provide "quick solutions in the fiel...

Fujitsu Tablet Tab Arrows F-01D LTE Tablet Android

Fujitsu Tablet Tab Arrows F-01D LTE is waterproof tablet that provides its ownuniqueness and advantages compared to other tablets. "Arrow Tab" This is a 10.1-inch tablet screen with 1280 × 800px that runs onAndroid 3.1 Honeyco...

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